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Can You Eat Kimchi When Pregnant? (Explained)

When pregnant, you may find yourself carving various delicious dishes, one of which could be Kimchi. As you already know, during pregnancy, you need to be very careful what you consume since it impacts the baby’s development. Kimchi is one of the most delicious side dishes I love eating.

Since you are here reading this article, you most likely are wondering whether you can eat Kimchi when pregnant. In this article, I will give a straightforward answer to this query and then discuss everything in detail regarding this topic. So, better read this article carefully.

Main Points

  • Kimchi is a delicious Korean side dish that is very popular worldwide.
  • Yes, you can eat kimchi when pregnant, but if it is prepared and stored properly.
  • The ingredients of kimchi are vital for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Kimchi has many health benefits; it is an excellent source of iron and boosts the immune system.
  • Ensure that the Kimchi you are eating is pasteurized, to avoid e. Coli, which is a bacteria that may cause many infections.

Can You Eat Kimchi When Pregnant?

Yes, you can eat Kimchi when pregnant, but you should pay attention to how it is prepared and stored. Kimchi is considered a s a safe dish to eat during the most delicate period of your life.

Whereas, there are always some factors you need to consider when consuming this delicious dish. I will discuss those factors in the sections below, but first, you will read about the benefits of eating Kimchi and the nutrients found in Kimchi that play a vital role in a healthy pregnancy.

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What Is Kimchi?

Kimchi is a Korean side dish that has various ingredients in it. It is a cabbage-based dish with garlic, chili peppers, carrots, and many other veggies. This is a perfect combination of vegetables that are very healthy to consume during pregnancy.

There are various Kimchi recipes. You can prepare it according to your requirements. In Korean culture, Kimchi is served with almost every meal as a side dish.

It has a different taste, and what I love the most is the spicy flavor of it, but consuming spicy food when pregnant is not recommended. So, if the Kimchi you are about to eat has a spicy flavor better avoid it.

Pasteurized Kimchi

Pasteurized Kimchi is safe to eat since the ingredients found in kimchi are heated to kill e. Coli may be found in those vegetables. So, if you are carving Kimchi, ensure that the side dish you are about to eat is pasteurized.

Unpasteurized Kimchi

I guess you all know that Kimchi is a fermented dish indicating that it is prone to e. Coli, which is a bacteria, which causes many infections. E.coli is unpasteurized and it is found in unpasteurized food. Eating Kimchi is safe during pregnancy, but if it is unpasteurized then you should avoid eating it during the risk of this bacteria.

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Ingredients of Kimchi That are Vital During Pregnancy


One of the main ingredients of Kimchi is Cabbage. This vegetable is vital during pregnancy since it is rich in folate or vitamin B9. Folate is crucial for healthy baby development; it helps prevent neural tube birth defects. So, kimchi can be a great idea for the proper intake of folate that you need.


Radish is rich in vitamin C, which is essential during pregnancy for both the mom and the fetus. Vitamin C is vital for tissue repair and tooth development. Consuming Kimchi which also contains radish may help you with your daily vitamin C intake.


Cucumber is another ingredient found in Kimchi, and the vegetable is rich in vitamin B, high in water content, and fiber. All of these mentioned, are essential during pregnancy, indicating that eating Kimchi will help you in consuming the right amount of vitamin B, fibers, and many other vitamins and minerals.

Health Benefits of Kimchi

Kimchi has many health benefits as well; due to its healthy ingredients that are vital during pregnancy. First and foremost, I want to point out that Kimchi is an excellent source of iron, indicating that by consuming this side dish; you will avoid anemia.

When pregnant, you need massive amounts of iron and Kimchi helps in increasing the iron intake.

Besides it, Kimchi also has a great impact on intestinal health since it is rich in probiotics that are essential for good function of the intestinal system.

Worth mentioning is the lactobacillus bacteria found in Kimchi. It will help in boosting the immune system. As you already know, when pregnant you are more prone to infections. Consuming anything that helps increase immunity is very essential when pregnant.

What You Should Consider Before Eating Kimchi When Pregnant?

Kimchi is a safe dish to eat during pregnancy, but there are always some factors you need to consider before consuming this delicious side dish. Firstly, you should pay attention to how it is prepared and stored. The kimchi you eat should be pasteurized to avoid e. Coli bacteria cause some serious infections, and unpasteurized kimchi may contain these bacteria. So, always consider whether it is pasteurized.

If you are carving Kimchi during pregnancy, you can eat it but ensure that it is not spicy. During this delicate period, it is better to avoid spicy dishes since many professionals state that eating piquant meals is not healthy for you and your baby.

Kimchi is very high in sodium. This is another aspect you have to pay attention to before eating kimchi when pregnant. Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and swelling when pregnant. If you already have a risky pregnancy and you are suffering from high blood pressure, it is better to avoid eating Kimchi, or you can consult your doctor before consuming it.

So, if you can’t help yourself and you want to eat kimchi so badly; then please prepare it by yourself, with a low amount of sodium, and consider all the things I have mentioned above. The best and safest Kimchi is the one you prepare at home according to your requirement as a pregnant woman.

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Final Words

There we are at the end of this article. Kimchi is a delicious Korean side dish; it is served with almost all meals. I love consuming kimchi it is one of my favorite side dishes.

You can eat kimchi when pregnant, it is a safe dish to consume, but if it is prepared and stored properly. Ingredients that Kimchi contains are vital for a healthy pregnancy. Kimchi also has many health benefits; it can boost the immune system.

This side dish is a great source of iron. Kimchi is a safe dish, but there are some aspects you need to pay attention to before consuming it. Ensure that the kimchi you are eating is pasteurized, so you can avoid e. Coli, which can cause many serious infections.

I hope you liked this article and found answers to your questions regarding whether you can eat kimchi when pregnant.

Take care, everyone!

All content and media on RaisingSmallSouls is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. The information on this website is not meant to take the place of expert medical assistance, advice, or consultations. You should speak with a medical expert if you have any worries or inquiries while pregnant.